It is in our nature to heal. As humans, our emotions have an innate ability to help us live in a state of wellness. They connect us to our inner healing ability by offering thoughts, sensations, and energies that illuminates what we are experiencing. After gaining awareness of our authentic experience, we can learn to care for our needs in a way that supports our well being and invites greater connection to life.

There are many barriers to allowing this natural healing process to occur. Without awareness of these barriers, we are left in states of despair and isolation as we engage in the same patterns that inhibit us. We can become identified with these patterns, forming beliefs about ourselves and life that cause us to live in a continuous state of distress. 

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate - Carl Jung

I am devoted to supporting others in accessing their own inner healing wisdom to help humanity come back to their nature. I serve the community through individual and group counseling in my private practice as well as ketamine assisted therapy with Rainfall Medicine. I currently focus my continued studies on healing through psychedelics, decolonization practices, and healing attachment wounds.

My specialties include:

  • Depression and Anxiety

  • Grief & Loss

  • Codependency and Attachment-Related Issues

  • Highly Sensitive People (HSP) & Empaths

  • Trauma including C-PTSD

  • Relationship issues including Couples, Parenting, and Blended Family Integration

  • Psychedelic Preparation, Harm Reduction, and Integration